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reviewsDamir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
Damir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
Damir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
Damir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
Damir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
Damir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
Damir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
Damir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
Damir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
Damir Musayev
PHD candidate at YaleFast Education opens up the doors to success! Success of students is Mr. Botir Djurayev's goal and he puts his whole heart into making sure I got the IELTS score I desired. In only four months, thanks to Mr. Djurayev's proper guidance and constructive feedback I was ready to apply to the university of my choice - Western Michigan University!
newsKibersport o'yinlari: Final
Xabaringiz bor o’tgan hafta kibersport o’yinlaridan «Counter Strike 2» bo’yicha musobaqa bo’lib o’tgan edi.Hafta oxirida ushbu musobaqaning haqiqiy ch…
06.06.2024 / 16:08Aziz yurtdoshlar, sizlarni 9-may "Xotira va qadrlash" kuni bilan "Fast Education" o'quv markazi jamoasi nomidan chin qalbimizdan tabriklaymiz.
Shunday tinch va ozod yurtda yashar ekanmiz, bu tinchlik yo’lida qanchadan-qancha ota bobolarimiz jon berganini va bu oliy ne’mat o’z o’zidan paydo bo…
06.06.2024 / 16:08Har dam olish kunlari, har doimgidek, bizda qiziqarli tadbir, o'yinlar va musobaqalar bo'ladi.
Yakshanba kunidan birinchi tadbir «Pronunciation competition»Qiziqarli musobaqada qatnashib, talaffuzini yanada yaxshilamoqchi bo’lgan o’quvchilarimiz…
06.06.2024 / 16:08Har dam olish kunlari, har doimgidek, bizda qiziqarli tadbir, o'yinlar va musobaqalar bo'ladi.
Yakshanba kunidan birinchi tadbir «Pronunciation competition»Qiziqarli musobaqada qatnashib, talaffuzini yanada yaxshilamoqchi bo’lgan o’quvchilarimiz…
06.06.2024 / 16:08MOCK EXAM
FAST Education'da 5-May yakshanba kuni so at 10:00 da IELTS mock exam tashkil qilinmoqda. All 4 sections in one day:ListeningReadingWritingSpeaking …
06.06.2024 / 16:08Kibersport o'yinlari
Dust, Mansion, Inferno bu nomlar sizga tanishmi? :) Agar javobingiz ha bo'lsa, bu post aynan siz uchun! “Fast Education” o‘quv markazi o‘z o‘quvchila…
06.06.2024 / 16:08